October 25, 2017 October 27, 2017
Boyne Mountain Resort
1 Boyne Mountain Road
Boyne Falls, MI 49713
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The Michigan Aquatic Restoration Conference (MARC) is an annual gathering of professionals engaged in the science and art of water resources restoration. MARC’s mission is to engage the aquatic restoration community in dialogue about the many aspects of restoration work in an open and collegial atmosphere.

The MARC organizers primarily recruit participation from government agencies, universities/academic research institutions, businesses, and resource management organizations. The conference alternates between a multi-day conference format (odd years) and a one-day workshop or seminar (even years).

For more information and to register for this year’s three-day conference, field trips, and other pre-conference activities, visit: http://michiganstreams.org/.

Note: Registration prices increase after September 15th.