Lawrence Technological University
21000 West 10 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075
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If you’re interested in learning about the many facets of water, its importance to our economy and environment, and what you as a local official or decision maker can do to protect this valuable resource, please plan to attend Michigan State University (MSU) Extension’s 2-day Water School: Essential Resources for Local Officials. The MSU Extension Water School is a joint project between MSU Extension and Michigan Sea Grant, in partnership with Lawrence Technological University.

MSU Extension Water School is a policy-neutral, fact-based program. The objective of the two-day program is to provide local decision makers and appointed and elected officials with critical, relevant information needed to understand Michigan’s water resources, including the fundamentals of water science, in order to support sound water management decisions and increase awareness of current and future local and state water issues. As an elected or appointed official, you are a valued leader with a unique opportunity to make important decisions regarding the future of our water resources.

Water School features both in-class presentations and interactive learning demonstrations along with a field-tour. The program will include sessions on a) water quantity; b) water quality; c) economics, finance, and planning; and d) water policy issues. Relevant topics presented as part of this course include:

  • Michigan’s Blue Economy
  • Water quantity and groundwater availability in Michigan
  • Dealing with water quality issues affecting the waters of Michigan
  • Critical connections to Michigan’s Water Strategy
  • Fiscal benefits of water management
  • How to incorporate water into local planning and placemaking
  • Risk management approaches
  • Water policy at the federal, tribal, state and local levels
  • Online Toolkit to help address water problems

The field-tour session will enhance the classroom content by highlighting innovative green infrastructure and low impact development practices implemented at the LTU campus and in Southeast Michigan. Attractions include rain gardens/bioswales, aquatic ecosystem restoration, and wastewater treatment innovations.

Program speakers represent staff educators and faculty from MSU Extension and MSU. Additionally, Dr. Don Carpenter, Professor and Director of the Great Lakes Stormwater Management Institute at LTU will provide the opening address and lead the on-campus tour.

Program Agenda:
Day 1, Monday May 22, 2017 – 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

8:30 a.m.- Registration and Check-in; Breakfast
9 a.m.- Welcome and Introductions
9:30 a.m. – Hydrology 101 & Stormwater Initiatives in Southeast Michigan
10:15 a.m.- LTU Stormwater Tour
11 a.m. – Water Quantity
12:30 p.m. – Lunch
1:15 p.m. – Water Quality
2:45 p.m. – Water Jeopardy
3:15 p.m.- Economics, Finance and Planning
5 p.m. – Adjourn

Day 2, Tuesday May 23, 2017 – 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – Breakfast, Registration and Check-in
9 a.m. – Water Policy and Water School Toolkit
11:15 a.m.- Bus Tour, including lunch
5 p.m. – Adjourn

There is no registration fee to participate in this program due to grant funds available to cover costs. Attendance during both days of the program is expected.
Please register early as space is limited. Walk-In registrations will be taken only if space is available. Last day to register is May 19, 2017.

Question about the program?

Bindu Bhakta, Natural Resources Extension Educator,, 248-858-5198
Terry Gibb, Public Policy/Natural Resources Extension Educator,, 586-469-6053
Mary Bohling, Michigan Sea Grant Extension Educator,, 313-410-9431