This page includes all of the documentation and forms that volunteers in the Volunteer Stream Cleanup Program (VSCP) Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program (VSMP) need to complete their tasks, including sampling procedures, suggested equipment, good sampling reminders, data forms, and grant recipient templates and reporting guidance.
Volunteer Stream Cleanup Program
- Grant Submission and RFP page
- Grantee Invoice Submission page
- Fact Sheet Template
- Excel Budget Template
- MiCorps Invoice Template (Grantees are not required to use this but it does have all needed components)
- Note: Closeout and Reporting Guidance is in your Contract
Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate and Stream Habitat Surveys
- Macroinvertebrate and Habitat Stream Monitoring Procedures
- Stream Equipment List/ Stream Macroinvertebrate Bibliography
- UPDATED Sept 2024: Macroinvertebrate Datasheet – Order Level
- UPDATED Sept 2024: Macroinvertebrate Datasheet – Family Level
- UPDATED Sept 2024:Macroinvertebrates of Michigan (1 page front and back ID guide to use with volunteers)
- Guide to Entering Data on the MiCorps website
- Stream Habitat Datasheet
- Quality Assurance Plans
- Macroinvertebrate Datasheet— (pre 2020) (old methodology)
- NEW Macro monitoring Permit Letter to provide to volunteer groups
VSMP Grant Report Guidance
- Grant Submission and RFP page
- Grantee Invoice Submission page
- Quarterly Report Template
- Excel Budget Template for Full Grant
- Excel Budget Template for Maintenance Grant
- Fact Sheet Template
- MiCorps Invoice Template (Grantees are not required to use this but it does have all needed components)
- Note: Closeout and Reporting Guidance is in your Contract